Day 37.5 - The World's #1 Guru


Every so often, I'd like to reach back and share some of my favorite meditations and stories from the past.

Last year, I spent an evening with one of India's most famous sages, Sadhguru.

Being that our theme this week is humor and joy, you gotta hear about Sadhguru.

In India, people show up by the hundreds of thousands to see this dude preach.

In Los Angeles last summer, there were less than 100 of us in the room with Sadhguru.

More powerful than his wisdom is Sadhguru's ability to make you laugh...out loud.

He said, "The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it."

Visit here 
and CLICK on "Day 44: A Night with #1 Guru"

David Romanelli