Day 1 - Trust Your Journey

This first week of our journey, let’s explore the various meanings of “trust.”

I recently watched this new show on Netflix called “Messiah.” It’s a modern, pop-culture spin on how the world might react if there was a “messiah” among us.

As you might imagine, much of the world is on their knees in the presence, thinking they are in the presence of "the divine," while just as much of the world thinks it’s a bunch of mumbo-jumbo nonsense!

Such is our relationship with “trust.” 

There are so many reasons to resist and analyze and proceed with caution. 

And yet, there are so many reasons to open your heart and mind to something greater than caution and ration..

Today, let’s talk about your meaning of “trust.”


David Romanelli

- If you wish to read the content in today's meditation -

Welcome to day one of trust your journey. Some of you are brand new to meditation. Some of you listening have been meditating with me for many years. We're all in the same place here. We're here to take a few minutes that are all for you. Where you can release your worries and your busy-ness and plug into something deeper.

Each morning for the next six months, you will wake up to a message in your inbox, and that message will prompt you to hear the new meditation. I recommend meditating first thing in the morning. It's just a great way to start your day. But if you don't meditate until later in the day, no worries.

It's totally up to you. And there are no rules here. I like to meditate sitting up with my eyes closed, but you can meditate on a walk outside. A lot of people like to meditate as they lie flat and fall asleep at night. Whatever works for you.

We're going to split this program into two 66 day chapters because there's this research that shows if you want to install a new habit into your life, you need to do it for 66 straight days. 

The first habit we're going to install:  activate trust. activate trust. There are so many forces in your life that activate anxiety, activate worry, activate stress. And in those instances where you feel those unhealthy emotions, let's learn how to push a different button and activate trust.

Turn it on, turn it up, let it overwhelm the negative and let it feel good. 

That's what we're going to really focus on these first 66 days, activate trust.

This doesn’t necessarily need to be spiritual. Could be trust in the power of nature, trust in a higher intelligence, or maybe it is spiritual and you associate trust with God…

...whatever trust means for you, it’s healthy to believe in something greater than your ownself. One of my favorite uotes, "Until you transcend the ego, you do nothing but add to the insanity of the world."

Take a moment to settle in, get a little more relaxed. Take a deep breath.

A few weeks ago, I watched this new show on Netflix. It's called Messiah, and it's a show about this man who emerges from the Syrian refugee crisis. And he leads 2000 refugees out of Syria, across the desert toward Israel. The CIA is watching this man lead these 2000 people across the desert and they think he's a terrorist.

But this caravan of 2000 people, they're claiming this man is the Messiah. The story grows all over pop culture. It's all over the news. And this man's apparent miracles spark a growing international following. The show makes you think, if there was really a man or woman who appeared in our world with these kinds of powers, how might that affect your capacity for trust?

When I was young, just out of college, I wrote a novel and I turned it into a screenplay. I pose that same question: what would happen if multiple characters emerged into mainstream society?

And these characters had these impossible skills like nothing we've ever seen before. And they also had a deep spiritual message.

One of the characters in my story was a professional baseball player. His rookie season, he has a batting average of four 440. Nobody has hit a batting average of 400 in baseball since the 1940s. 

But this rookie hits 440!  if you're a baseball fan, you know, that would be mystical, spiritual!
Another character in the story is a prodigious musical talent. She tops the charts in multiple genres of music.

And there's another character in my story who predicts the future with astounding accuracy.

All three of these characters, they come onto the pop culture scene at the same time. Their talents are impossible to ignore. Their message is hard to forget. People start to question if this a some kind of divine message.

I share this with you because I want to ask you what would need to happen in your life to trigger a seismic opening in your capacity for trust or faith, whether it's faith in God or nature or a greater intelligence. Faith in something bigger than your own self.

I know some of you listening right now, you've had some really hard times, so you're probably saying, "Trust, really, is it even possible anymore?"

Wayne Dyer said, "The law of flotation was not discovered by contemplating the sinking of things. Rather, it was discovered by thinking about things that float."

Here's what we're going to do over the next six months. We're going to meditate on and focus on and talk about and dream about the opening, not the closing, and even better, a massive opening where trust becomes your abiding feeling.

It might not happen today, but that's why this is a six month journey.

I have a question for you. Can you identify the voice in your head, which is not trusting? The voice whispering to you, "This is not true. This trust thing is stupid. This Dave guy, and I don't know why you signed up for this program. I mean, look around the world is a mess"

We all have that voice inside of us. I want you to take a second to give that voice, the doubter, the skeptic. Give that person in  name. I'm going to call mine Larry.

In moments where your Larry is making too much noise. Those are precisely the moments when we come to a peaceful place where we find this button and remember those words. Activate trust, activate trust. So let's practice right now. Take a moment to get a little more comfortable and just take a few deep breaths.

Inhale deeply. Exhale, release.

Let's come to our centering thought. Activate trust.

And for a few minutes, I'm going to leave you to relax, to breathe, to meditate, and every time your mind starts to wander off, come back to those words to center yourself in the moment.

Activate trust, activate trust, activate trust.

[Meditation begins]

[Meditation ends]

There will be a hundred times today where your Larry is in your head telling you what's not working, why you don't have enough, why you should worry more.

Remember, the law of flotation was not discovered by contemplating the sinking of things. Rather, it was discovered by thinking about things that float.

If just once today, you can call out your Larry. And shift the focus from the closing to the opening. There's a part of you that's craving that, even if it doesn't make sense to your mind right now, just once today, stand in the opening and repeat. Activate trust, activate trust, activate trust.

I'll see you tomorrow for day 2.


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