Welcome to Meditate ON

I am excited to welcome you and just want to share a brief orientation.

The idea is to create a healthy habit and make these meditations a part of your daily routine. 

Some people start their day meditating, others use meditation to fall asleep, some listen while going on a walk. It’s all about finding your flow, whatever works best for you.

A few important recommendations:

---Be consistent in how, where, and when you meditate. 

I meditate early, around 5am, before the kids wakeup, outside under the stars when the weather permits, with a cup of hot coffee. 

---Do your best to eliminate distractions while you meditate.

If you multitask while listening to these meditations, they lose their power. I realize it’s hard to find the perfect quiet zone…but do your best (: 

1.Each morning at 5am EST, you’ll receive an email from me that will link you to the new meditation. 

2. Click the link, arrive on the meditation page, and press PLAY. 

3. Each meditation begins with storytelling and then I’ll lead you into a few minutes of relaxation and meditation, before coming back at the end to conclude.

One thing to note. 

It’s ideal if you can build momentum and make this a daily habit...

...but if you miss a few meditations or even if you miss a week of meditations...

...you can start again on the current meditation that landed in your inbox that morning. Don’t worry about playing catch up. 

Please reach out to me anytime with questions.

Here’s to beautiful, HEALTHY, happy days ahead…starting NOW.